DSMLINK mini-FAQ (contributions by Grant, Tom and Dave)
Where the heck do I find the DSMLink Palm interface user manual (a.k.a. PalmLink)?
How do I use the dsmlink ECU simulator, a.k.a. FakeECU?
How do I compile the source code?
I have the DSMLink in my car, now how do I make it faster?
How do I log/display LTFT (or other value)?
Where do I find the user manual for the DSMLink
palm interface?
How do I use the DSMLink ECU simulator, a.k.a.
1) Run the following commands in your DSMLink source directory:
Source:> javac DSMLink.java
Source:> javac car/FakeECU.java
Source:> java car.FakeECU 7000
2) Make
sure there is a sample log file called FakeECU.dat in
the source directory for the simulator to use.
If you want to test some things out you may want the DSMLink fake ECU
running at the same time as running the DSMLink Client on the same machine. The
following will get the DSMLink client to run, once it is compiled. Assume you
have the FakeECU running on port 7000 as the FAQ currently demonstrates.
3) Update the file dsmlink.prefs
(in the DSMLink install directory) with the line:
//Comment out the current portID (don’t forget to change this back when
you want to connect to the car)
4) Launch the dsmlink client application
1) Download and install JDK 1.3.1 or higher from sun: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/download.html
2) If
your DSMLink source is in c:\DSMLink,
and your java install is the default (c:\jdk1.3.1_02) then you should add these
lines to your environment batch file:
set PATH=c:\jdk1.3.1_02\bin;%PATH%
3) Download and unzip java comm package from http://java.sun.com/products/javacomm/
1. Extract comm.api from the unzipped directory to your java/lib directory
2. Add c:\jdk1.3.1_06\lib\comm.jar (or path to your comm.jar file) to your CLASSPATH
3) go to your dsmlink source directory (c:\dsmlink) and type “javac DSMlink.java”
Q) I have the DSMLink
in my car, now how do I make it faster?
Look at Tom’s Tuning Tutorial, located here:
Q) How do I log/display LTFT (or other
To add things like
the LTFTs, while you have DSMLink talking to the ECU
(but no log currently displayed), select ECU/Stream data and add the items you
want. DSMLink sends these additional
selections to the ECU and the ECU will then send these in addition to the
default list. The ECU saves these
additional selections until you change them.
You can then use data/values to choose which will be displayed.
set classpath=classes;lib\commapi\comm.jar
java -Djava.library.path=lib\commapi
The first line lets the java runtime see the com api and your class
files. The second line tells the java runtime where the windows
win32com.dll is located (assuming you put it in a lib
folder under
I put the dos commands in a batch files located in the bin directory
off the root of my DSMLink project so I don't have to re-type this
dsmlink/bin - batch files
dsmlink/src - source code
dsmlink/lib - library files
dsmlink/classes - where the compiler drops the class files